5 Easy Ways to Attract Bucks
Summer is a great time of year to take an inventory of bucks on your property. Although, not every buck you get on camera now will be on the property in the fall due to bachelor groups breaking up, it’s
Supplementing Your Way to Successful Fawn Recruitment
Fawning season has arrived across much of the white-tail’s range. Most serious deer managers understand the importance of feeding deer year-round, but the fawning period is a critical time to enhance
Four Winter Projects You Should Be Doing (Right Now!)
For much of the country, deer seasons have closed or will be closing soon. Do not be fooled into thinking the work is over! Wintertime is packed full of whitetail ‘to-do’s’. From chainsaw work to
Feeding a Buck onto a New Home Range
Winter is a great time to find new bucks on your property. As natural food sources begin to diminish, bucks tend to search for food outside of their normal home range. If a buck finds a new consistent
September and October: The Important Feeding Months
If you have ever experienced a harsh northern winter, you know the devastating effect it can have on deer populations. Heavy snowfall and cold temperatures make deer conserve energy by moving less, and
How to Run a Rapid Herd Survey
If you are like me, free time is a limiting resource in your life. I work anywhere from 40-60 hours per week depending on the time of year, which leaves me little time to get out to my hunting property
How to Buy Ani-Logics™ on a Budget
I want to be honest, Ani-Logics Supplement is not the cheapest deer feed you can buy. Like most things in life, however, you get what you pay for. We have basically combined all the things that deer really
Nutrition Begins in the Womb: How Nutrition Influences Genetic Expression
We all know that nutrition plays a role in antler and body growth. What many people don’t know is that a doe’s nutrition while she is carrying offspring can influence the future growth of that offspring
The Myth of the “All-Natural Buck”
I talk to a lot of hunters while at trade shows, and I have heard a few say that they don’t use feed or minerals because it’s not natural and that deer can get everything they need from their natural
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CRUSH Road Block
Summer CRUSH
$39.99 – $129.99
Ani-Shield Base Mix
CRUSH Pro Bean Blend