Stop the CWD Madness
In mid August, a trophy bull elk was shot by the Pennsylvania Game Commission after it wandered into an area that had recently contained white-tailed deer that had tested positive for Chronic Wasting Disease
How to Run a Rapid Herd Survey
If you are like me, free time is a limiting resource in your life. I work anywhere from 40-60 hours per week depending on the time of year, which leaves me little time to get out to my hunting property
Missouri Pulls Out the Nutritional Rug on More Deer
The state of Missouri recently expanded their ban of feeding deer from 29 counties to 41 counties. Their objective is to slow the spread of CWD, but likely this will cause an increase in prevalence because
Summer Trail Cam Hot Spots
Summer trail camera season is in full swing and hunters across the country are searching for that perfect spot to capture velvet bucks. When trying to pin down prime areas for big buck summer hangouts,
Nutrition Begins in the Womb: How Nutrition Influences Genetic Expression
We all know that nutrition plays a role in antler and body growth. What many people don’t know is that a doe’s nutrition while she is carrying offspring can influence the future growth of that offspring
The Mood Swings of Spring Nutrition
Spring is a time of transition. Deer have made it through the winter and are focused on growth. The bucks are budding antlers and the does are in the last stages of pregnancy (except in the south where
Hoof Rot: What Is It and What Can We Do About It?
Hoof rot is just as ugly as it sounds. It’s a bacterial infection that deer can get when an open wound allows bacteria (Fusobacterium necrophorumto) to enter their flesh. When the bacteria persist,
How to Reduce Post-Rut mortality
When I find a dead buck while shed hunting I have mixed feelings. First, I’m excited that I found something with antlers. Antlers are the coolest thing on the planet so I’m happy to be blessed
How to Feed Your Way to Daytime Movement
No matter where you are in the country, chances are high that the deer in your area have been hunted to the point that daytime activity has greatly decreased compared to earlier in the year. Even if
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